
How to avoid stomach problems in summer

During the summer, your digestive system slows and weakens, thus digestive disorders are typical. Loss of appetite and bloating are two of the most typical symptoms, in addition to others.

On the other side, the heat may induce dehydration and weariness, so taking care of oneself is critical to avoiding any disorder that could ruin the nicest months of the year.

Starting with prevention

We give you some tips to avoid feeling unwell. After all, prevention is much simpler than treating a disorder that has already occurred:

Light meals

During the summer months it is common to have larger meals, because perhaps we go out more or meet up with friends more. However, in the hot months it is best to consume lighter foods such as fruits or vegetables, avoiding bread or other foods rich in wheat.

A gazpacho with hard-boiled egg can be an excellent summer meal, rich in nutrients and that will help you have light digestion.

Drink a lot of water

You’ve heard it a thousand times, so another reminder won’t hurt: don’t wait until you’re thirsty before drinking water. The body must regulate itself, and when it is heated, water is required for this process. Fruits like watermelon and melon, in addition to water, can help you stay hydrated.

Try preparing a delicious fruit smoothie for a snack: you will avoid the heat and you will be satisfied.

Goodbye to spicy and fried foods

Both can cause you to have inflammation and swelling. Prioritize foods cooked on the grill or even raw, such as salads.

Consume probiotics

Foods such as kefir and kombucha might assist to normalize your digestive system. These meals will assist your gut flora defend you from bacteria and prevent intestinal problems.

do exercise

Going for a walk after dinner will help you feel less bloated and sleep better at night. Performing intense physical activities (always avoiding sun exposure during hot hours) will make you less hungry and consume healthier foods.

Avoid stress

Surely more than once you have had stomach problems in situations of great stress or nerves. Without a doubt, it is one of the main factors and one of the most difficult to avoid. Try practicing meditation and reduce the use of mobile devices, especially in the hours before bed.

The most common stomach problems


It arises from eating too quickly or from consuming pro-inflammatory foods such as those containing gluten or lactose. It is recognized by that feeling of heaviness that we have after a heavy meal. It is best to eat slowly and avoid ultra-processed foods, even if you eat out. Try to alternate each bite with a little conversation so that, in the end, you eat less.


You can tell if you’re dehydrated just by looking at your pee. The less clear it is, the more evidence of dehydration. If it becomes problematic, you may have cramps, disorientation, and other symptoms caused by a shortage of water in your body. The best? Carry a 2L water bottle throughout the day until it’s empty.

Food poisoning

One of the problems with heat is that bacteria spread more quickly if food is not stored correctly. Obviously, all foods susceptible to this must be correctly refrigerated, both at home and in any establishment you go to.

Constipation or diarrhea

Both are the result of ingesting bad food or being dehydrated. They can also be triggered by a shift in daily habits, since the body functions best when it has consistent timetables… which are tough to maintain throughout the summer months. Even on vacation, try to maintain a consistent eating routine and prioritize fruits and vegetables.


Prevention and awareness are the keys to good digestive health in the summer season. Summer heat and lifestyle alteration make the digestion process slow and are the cause of all the complaints of the season related to digestive health, starting from loss of appetite to bloating and dehydration. They should eat light and easily digestible food like fruits and vegetables and ingest as much water as possible and take hydrating fruits like watermelon and melon so that all these problems could be avoided.

Inflammation and discomfort can be avoided by avoiding heavy, spicy, or fried foods. Probiotics like kefir and kombucha can be useful for gut health. Regular exercise in the form of evening walks can also be easy on the stomach and facilitate digestion so that one can sleep better. Stress management through meditation can avoid stress-induced digestive issues.

Being well aware of the general issues, like swelling, dehydration, food poisoning, and bowel irregularities, and trying to avoid the risks by slow eating, fluid intake, refrigeration of the foods and having a regular time schedule to eat can make summer healthier and enjoyable. The stomach problems can be kept at a minimum by the above important steps so that the activities during this season can be enjoyed to the fullest.

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